13:13 Vooruit
13:13 Vooruit Site Ghent, Belgium Date 11-20 May, 2018 Host Art Centre of Vooruit The thirteenth...

Site Ghent, Belgium
Date 11-20 May, 2018
Host Art Centre of Vooruit
The thirteenth edition of Camposaz took place from 11 May to 20 May 2018 in the art centre of Vooruit (Ghent, Belgium), within the framework of The May Events festival.
Vooruit is huge old building and a central platform in a dense network of artists and organisations from a variety of sectors, informed and inspired by a turbulent world and an ever-evolving world of the arts. Maintaining a contemporary vision with respect to the future, Vooruit seeks to facilitate greater cross-pollination between the arts and the local and global communities.
Among these concepts and the May Events atmospheres, a community of architects and designers have gathered, designed, worked and lived together for ten days, with the aim of shaping a temporary installation within the space of the Vooruit Café.
Since this was the first time that Interior furniture has been design by Camposaz, the design process needed a few days to properly understand the “vision” of Vooruit as well as the purposes of the May Events in order to transform the café into an active space of confrontation for the festival, emphasizing its role of collective and interactive space. After having received various impressions and suggestions from the locals besides the on-site visit of the whole building, our ambition focused on defining a site-specific installation, with a clear identity but flexible at the same time.
The hardest challenges were being able to deal with the complicated history of the place, the peculiar limited inner space, the aim of generating innovation and new social potentialities as well as developing the whole “construction process” off-site at DOK (a temporary project that takes care of keeping a semi-abandoned area of Gent active, organizing activities of different nature as concerts, social-markets, exhibitions and cultural performances)
According to all the inputs we received and using the body as a tool of expression and measurement, we designed a multifunctional installation rooted in a sense of belonging to the Vooruit community and based on modular wooden elements to provide a broad flexibility.
These modules, arranged in different ways, are meant to accommodate informal conversations over coffee or dinner, lunch lectures, conferences and debates, as well as becoming a backdrop for the artists’ performances and DJ’s at night. Due to its different
Silvio Pennesi, Lorenzo Cocco, Giulia Perri, Veerle Rigter, Jiska Gysels, Elisa Tangheroni, Elis Ollero, Lucie Mercier, Mattias Peeters
Giovanni Wegher, Tatiana Levitskaya, Massimiliano Piffer, Alessandro Chojwa, Tommaso Benassi
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