1:1 Landramp
1:1 Landramp Site Tonadico, Trento, Italy Date Sep, 2013 Host Tonadico's Municipality Camposaz is a workshop...
Site Tonadico, Trento, Italy
Date Sep, 2013
Host Tonadico's Municipality
Camposaz is a workshop that takes place in the village of Tonadico (TN) – Italy, in an area of great landscape value at the feet of the Dolomites. The aim of the workshop is to design and self-build wooden architectural objects for landscape enhancement. During the Camposaz workshop the participants are required to ideate and assemble wood constructions, following the thematic suggestions provided by the organizers and developing eco-friendly, practical and sustainable design projects. Camposaz is an initiative stemming from the collaboration between the Municipality of Tonadico and the cultural associations “Aguaz”:http://aguaz.it and “Campomarzio”:http://www.campomarzio.name. This sculptural wooden structure is placed in an open field of the Primiero valley near Tonadico, where there is a landing area for paragliders. The structure has been conceived to be perceived within in the landscape, either from the ground level or from the sky. Its fragmented profile is generated by various surfaces with different inclinations, where people can sit or lie down to admire the flying paragliders and the profile of the Dolomites. Under the highest portion of the roof there is a small open space where paraglider pilots can test their equipment, store their things and sit down.
Ani Arzumanyan, Matteo Busa, Angela Carpenter, Giulia Cerrato, Selli Coradazzi, Giacomo Fumanelli, Maria, Luisa Miotti, Magdalena Prus, Oliver Savorani, Daria Smirnova, Massimo Bertoluzza, Mariella Gentile.
Giovanni Wegher.
Claudio Moz, Marco Scalet, Valentino, Luciano, Alessio.
Thanks to
Tonadico’s Municipality, Rothoblaas, Log House, R.C. Legno, HILTI, Aguaz.

L’auspicio è che queste opere vengano vissute, diventando luoghi di ritrovo e aggregazione, riportando alla luce due spazi da troppo tempo dimenticati, due luoghi centrali del vivere comunitario di Transacqua e Pieve. Un grande grazie va dunque ad Aguaz e Campomarzio che anno investito tempo ed energie per organizzare e realizzare tutto ciò, nella speranza di poter collaborare ancora in futuro.
Nicolò Simoni